Saturday 16 July 2011

How google works....n how to place ur website or blog on the top of the google ranking list...

It never ceases to amaze us – U type something… anything… into the Google search bar and in less than a second or two, U get the huge list of web pages that can help u....
Did u ever think HOW do google get all those different web pages and then list them in some sort of order of importance? Let’s talk about that…

      The heart of Google's search technology is PigeonRank™, a system for ranking web pages developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford University.

The first thing you need to know is, when you are searching something on Google, you are searching the Google database and not the actual web. The Google Spiders and Crawlers are the programs that crawl the web and go on indexing (putting them on Google Server/Database) the web pages that they find. So, unless and until your page is indexed on Google, don’t expect it to appear in the Google Search on any of its SERP(search engine result page)page. If you have created a new website or a blog,you either need to submit your website to Google or you have to wait for Google Spiders or Googlebots come to your website by themselves and index your page, though it can take any amount of time. Once the pages are indexed, now they are on Google Server, and now the real game begins! This is because, though Google has indexed your
pages, that does not mean that you would be in top search entries for your specified keywords. It is true that if your keywords are so unique that there are very few or no entries for that on the web, then definitely you could be on the top of SERP for that keyword. But believe me, if your keywords are so competitive, then it is
going to be a tough and lengthy task to pop up on the very first SERP results!

Now how to place ur website or blog on the top of the google ranking list...
1. PageRank
Page rank is the relevancy score or authority score that Google assigns to a website depending on various factors in its own trademark algorithm. PageRank is like the result of voting system. When you get link from some other website, Google considers it as that website has voted for you, so higher the number of unique and relevant(anchor text and voting website content somewhat matching to your blog/webpage topics) votes, higher is the PageRank that you can expect. But you should remember,every vote is not equal, it isn’t like democracy!
2. In Links
In links are actually the links you get from the owners of other web sites. You can either contact to other site owners to submit your site or request the link from them or you can write or create such an attractive or essential or useful content on your website, that other websites are allured to link back to you. As we have
already seen, the number of in links are the number of votes your website has got. But remember that do not build the links so rapid that Google would take its as spamming.
3. Frequency of Keywords
Frequency of the keywords means how many times the keywords are relevantly repeated on your page.
4. Location of Keywords
Google also gives importance to the adjacent text near to the keywords because it is irrelevant to repeat the keywords large number of times, without making some textual sense.
5. TrustRank
Millions of websites are created an exhausted every week. Google gives more value to pre-established web pages or domains i.e. which do exist from a bit long time asthey have a good Trust Rank in Google. This trust is built over a long period of time so more important is how consistent and how stable are you with your website.
  • Unfortunately I think the 3rd point (Frequency of Keywords) is ignored by Google now… due to spam…
  • To improve search performance, Google ignores (doesn’t index) common words called stop words (such as the, is, on, or, of, how, why, as well as certain single digits and single letters).  
  • Stop words are so common that they do little to narrow a search, and therefore they can safely be discarded. The indexer also ignores some punctuation and multiple spaces, as well as converting all letters to lowercase, to improve Google’s performance.
  • Google runs on a distributed network of thousands of low-cost computers and can therefore carry out fast parallel processing.
1.Technology behind google's great result.
2.Google guide

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